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    [会展号]  发布时间:2021/7/9 11:44:50  浏览:17538次
    今天是2024年4月20日 星期六 这里是2022亚洲(上海)国际精酿啤酒会议暨展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展之桥提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展之桥祝您参展愉快!


    国内外技术交流!市场焦点!CBCE 2021将举行高端权威的国际精酿高峰会议,纵观全盘,整合全球资源!届时,国内外行业协会和顶尖媒体将介绍国内外行业现状,揭示中国精酿啤酒行业的发展趋势;业内酿酒专家将带来**新的原料处理和酿造技术;国内外知名酒厂创始人分享酒厂运营经验和品牌管理方法;国内主流渠道商和国内知名电商将分享精酿产品市场渠道和新零售模式;冷链、物流行业专家为行业把脉,提供仓储、物流解决方案;邀请知名投资机构,为本土精酿项目提供投资资讯和机会。

    上届CBCE举行了多场精彩纷呈的活动:后疫情时代下的高峰会议《2020精酿新航道的启程》、精酿啤酒论坛、新品发布会、品酒会、布鲁塞尔国际啤酒挑战赛颁奖典礼、第三届中国精酿啤酒明星奖评选活动等。相信,CBCE 2021将注入更多精酿“新血液”带给现场观众更加丰富多彩的活动与体验。

    CBCE 2022的专业观众来自于国内外的酿酒师、品酒师、餐饮从业者、大型啤酒企业高管、中小啤酒厂从业者、生产商、经销商、代理商、零售商等,还包括国家主管部门、各省市啤酒协会/商会、大专院校和科研院所的食品专业专家学者、投资机构、工业设计师、品牌策划、中外媒体等。

    原料: 酒花及啤酒花制品 、酵母 、麦芽 、啤酒添加剂 、啤酒化学辅助材料 、其他原材料和辅助材料

    生产技术与设备: 原料储藏设备 、原料备制设备 、水处理设备 、麦汁制备设备 、发酵设备 、过滤设备 、灌装设备 、包装 、辅助生产设备 、控制系统 、分析、清洗、处理设备

    精酿社区: 精酿啤酒品牌厂商 、自酿品牌、代理商和贸易商

    技术与服务: 啤酒分发设备、酒吧饭店供应 、酒厂评估、技术咨询供应商 、供应链管理 、冷藏链物流及仓储系统 、酒店內供酒系统及外观设计 、啤酒交钥匙供应商 、啤酒吧设计 、啤酒订单系统

    市场营销: 标签/包装设计 、市场营销与公关服务 、媒体/出版物 、物联网+营销模式策划 、啤酒图像设计

    其他服务: 法律服务 、数据公司 、啤酒相关周边产品 、设计与供应等

    2022 China International Craft Beer Conference and Exhibition CBCE (Shanghai Fine Brewing Exhibition, Asian Fine Brewing Exhibition, CBCE) is Asia's authoritative craft beer industry international event, market-style craft community, rich in craft culture, bringing together more than 100 domestic and foreign high-quality craft brands, a variety of categories.

    Domestic and foreign technical exchanges! Market focus! CBCE 2021 will hold a high-end authoritative international craft summit, throughout the world, the integration of global resources! At that time, domestic and foreign trade associations and top media will introduce the current situation of domestic and foreign industries, reveal the development trend of China's craft beer industry, industry brewing experts will bring the latest raw material processing and brewing technology, domestic and foreign well-known winery founders to share winery operation experience and brand management methods, domestic mainstream channels and domestic well-known e-commerce will share craft products market channels and new retail models;

    The last CBCE held a number of exciting events: the post-epidemic era of the summit "2020 craft new waterway start", craft beer forum, new product launch, wine tasting, Brussels International Beer Challenge award ceremony, the third China Craft Beer Star Award selection activities. It is believed that CBCE 2021 will inject more craft "new blood" to bring more colorful activities and experiences to the live audience.

    CBCE 2022's professional audience comes from domestic and foreign brewers, wine tasters, catering practitioners, large beer executives, small and medium-sized breweries practitioners, producers, distributors, agents, retailers, etc., as well as national authorities, provincial and municipal beer associations/chambers of commerce, universities and research institutes of food experts and scholars, investment institutions, industrial designers, brand planning, Chinese and foreign media.

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 2022上海精酿啤酒展  
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